Solicitors Qualifying Examinations (SQE): An Overview
Interested in qualifying as a Solicitor via the SQE route? In this video we talk through the range of preparation exams and qualifications we can offer you to help you to qualify.
Solicitor Series: Assessing Training Skills
Do you know what the typical day of a trainee looks like? Do you feel prepared and confident for an assessment day? Do you have questions you wish you could ask about the recruitment process?
This video will help you to thrive in an assessment setting and a law firm.
John will introduce you to... -
Solicitor Series: SQE Explained LPC vs SQE
Are you deciding which route to take on your journey to qualifying as a Solicitor? Do you want to learn more about what Qualifying Work Experience is? This video will give you all the information you need to know.
Solicitor Series: Your Questions Answered on the SQE
Need help deciding what route to take on your journey to qualifying as a Solicitor and have unanswered questions? Then this Q&A is for you.
Legal Practice Course (LPC): An Overview
Want to become a solicitor? Our LPC is tried and tested, well-respected by top law firms and will fully prepare you for your future career.
Solicitor Series: How to Become a Solicitor
If you want to become a solicitor, you should know that the route to qualifying is changing, with the introduction of the Solicitors Qualifying Examinations (SQE). Join us and cover the basics of how to become a Solicitor.
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